We are a fellowship of lay people and clergy who belong to a church within Diocese of Truro, share a common basis of faith and support the aims of the TDEF.
Click here to download our Constitution and our Basis of Faith.
Diocesan Evangelical Fellowships have a link with the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) which was first created by John Stott in 1960 to provide a collective evangelical voice within the Church of England.
CEEC write: Since then a large number of networks and groupings have emerged. Along with Diocesan Evangelical Fellowships, these network and groupings are affiliated to CEEC at a national level. CEEC exists to provide for the continuing need for an overarching group to which the networks can belong, based on common understandings of the Christian faith and its Anglican expression, and united by a common vision to promote and maintain orthodox evangelical theology and ethics at the heart of the Church of England.
CEEC is particularly concerned to encourage evangelism, bible-based and Christ-centred formation of discipleship, evangelical leadership within the Church of England, and evangelical unity within and outside Anglicanism.