

It was a huge encouragement to gather this past weekend to share fellowship and hear from +Jill. Thank you to all who played a part in hosting. The plan is that our next larger public gathering will be on the 5th October.


We are delighted to announce the details of our Spring gathering which includes the opportunity to hear from Rt Rev’d Dr Jill Duff, the Bishop of Lancaster, as she joins us (via Zoom) to give an address and offer a chance for Q&A. The meeting will take place at Holy Trinity, St Austell, on Saturday 2nd March, 7-9pm. Alongside hearing from +Jill, and the chance for Q&A, we will worship God together in singing, praying and encouraging one another. There will also be a very short annual meeting as part of this gathering.


Thank you to all who attended last night's Autumn Gathering of the TDEF, and in particular to all those who hosted us and served in various ways. It was such an encouragement to be reminded of the power of the gospel, and hear the challenge to break boundaries in building relationships with people outside of our 'comfort zone'. We are thankful to Natalie Gavan and Rob Fowler for all that they shared. We will meet next in February 2024. Please sign up to our mailings in order to stay in the loop.


Following on from the celebration and launch of the Truro Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship back in February we are pleased to announce an Autumn meeting on the 30th September. This meeting will focus on encouragement and inspiration in sharing the gospel. This meeting is open to all.


Thank you to all those who attended the celebration and launch of the Truro Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship last Saturday. We were hugely encouraged to see so many people there and enjoy fellowship with representation from a range of churches across the Diocese. We are also very grateful to Holy Trinity for hosting us all so well. Our next in-person meeting will be in the Autumn. 


We are pleased to announce that the TDEF will, God willing, be meeting at Holy Trinity St Austell on the evening of Saturday 25th February. This meeting is for all church members who might be interested to join us and will include an informal time of fellowship, sung worship, pudding, prayer, the appointment of the TDEF committe and a keynote address from the Rev'd John Dunnett, former General Director of CPAS and now Director of Strategy and Operations at CEEC. 


A group of leaders from evangelical churches in the Diocese met to re-form* the Truro Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship and agreed to adopt the Constitution. The Constitution and Basis of Faith aligning with those of the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC).

*It appears that a DEF existed previously, but not for quite some time.